Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Singing Latin Mass Hymns

I feel exceptionally proud whenever I am able to join my choir outside the parish to sing in a mass in Latin. The practice under Arthur Medina is very stressful. He demands performance level even during the rehearsals. Last time I failed to join the choir because I was scheduled to be introduced to the teachers in my new assignment as Officer-in-Charge. It was disappointing knowing that another chance may not come again very soon. But I was wrong. Our choir got invited again last June 21.

We sang "Canticurum for the entrance hymn, followed by "Kyrie and "Gloria". For the offertory, we sang "Jesus Amante", followed by "Sanctus","Agnus Dei" and for the communion,"Venid, Venid". We got surprised when Fr. Vir Mendoza chanted the in liturgy of the Eucharist. We were not prepared for the responses but we have to trust our rusting memory for the lines (that was more than half a century ago when I last recited those lines).

As a preschool child, I used to sing with the church choir songs I do not understand but just the same sang from the heart because I knew those were praise songs for the Lord and other Saints especially Mama Mary. We were raised in strictly Spanish culture, thus the strong faith in supreme God and the veneration of Saints during feast days.

At the Imus Diocese music ministry seminar workshop, it was discussed that Latin songs will be revived in the Catholic mass. I'm sure it will draw a lot of reactions. I'm not so good in singing these Latin songs but I welcome it. It gives a cleansing effect though the language is alien but the meaning is in my heart embedded by the culture and legacy handed down by our ancestors.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Day as OIC-Principal

June 10 is the big day in Philippine education: the first day of school for school year 2008-2009. I reported for the flag ceremony at 6:00am. It rained earlier so I thought the ceremony was not conducted. But I saw the flag was already raised. After a short conversation with Mr. Balistoy, the English Subject Chairman, I learned that they have not conducted the flag-raising yet. I requested that the flag raising be conducted.

Many late enrollees came and I dealt with them. Transferees are scheduled to be back June 23. I requested for the names of the prospect transferees written on a piece of paper. Piece of cake. Nothing new to me.

At about 11:00am, Miss Capistrano, the new Principal of Golden Acres National High phoned to inform me that Dr. Victoriano, SDS, called to ask her to inform me that Usec. Vilma Labrador will visit me. That created firework in my head. I was requested to text the SDS that I received her message. And the SDS replied reiterating what was relayed by Ms. Capistrano. As a routine, I told the canteen manager to prepare lunch for the coming visitor/s. I also asked the Guidance to prepare a Welcome bulletin board.

The waiting minutes were dragging. I felt I was in the labor room of a hospital. It was not painful in any way. It was just agonizing and at the same time thrilling. I didn't recall the exact time when they finally arrived, about 12:20pm? The teachers requested that am classes be dismissed earlier. The PM students have arrrived and the campus is buzzing with young voices. The USEC commented how noisy it was in my school. The SDS helped me in explaining that the PM students have arrived. I was told to use the public sound system to ask the student to enter their classroom and be quiet. Some students did not hear the announcement. I repeated in the bilingual dialect. The USEC requested the present teachers to come inside the Principal's Office.

And we entered the Principal's Office. There the USEC delivered a short talk on the three A's that will help the teachers' job light: Awareness, Acceptance, Action. A teacher has to be aware of the situation and accept such so that she/he can take action. And the bigger announcement was made. "Your Principal is my niece." I kept the information all these time and there it is... I can no longer deny and why should I? She inquired on amenities like service vehicle, items, number of teachers.

I was a big shot after the visit. I felt they couldn't take me for granted anymore. Even the SDS was extra concerned for me not like before when she would tell me that I am poor in people leadership. A late emergency meeting was called at the Division office. I knew the looks in the eyes of the Principals and Supervisors... so this is the USEC's niece.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thy Will Be Done

Exactly the same date after my last spot, I was called to the Division Office. The wait is over. The ranking was announced. Finally, Miss Capistrano will be the next Principal of Golden Acres National Hi. Second rank, Mr. Rigon will take Miss Capistrano's post. Rank 3: Mr. Parilla will occupy Mr. Rigon's post. Dr. Valdez takes 4th rank; she is assigned at CAA Annex. I get the fifth rank and I am to be assigned at Gatchalian. I accepted the assignment with a heavy heart. Aside from the great distance, I will be with a notorious personality in DepEd Las PiƱas history. God read my thoughts. I was called back to the Superintendent's office. It was almost 5 o'clock and I was wondering what the agenda was. The Superintendent explained that there was a technicality in the decision. Mr. Parilla holds the item of Teacher III while I hold Head Teacher I. Therefore, I should be ahead in rank; I should be in Equittable Annex. I felt so relieved and grateful. It was answered prayer.

Once again, I confirm God's love and protection. A great sinner that I am, yet He never abandons me.