Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sentimental Journey

The day began very early at dawn upon receiving a text message from my older son, Erik telling me he's at Makati Medical Center for urinary problem. I expected that he is in the emergency or out patient department so I told him to drink natural apple juice, sambong tea. I asked him also to come home later when the medication is completed. My dizziness for lack of sleep increased when the reply went: Confined for complete obstraction in the urinary tract. My plan to doze off again has to be dropped. As a very strong woman, I did not panic. Alone in the house, and somehow I felt tears in the rim of the eyelids. Too busy thinking about the laundry, book markers for the fund raising in the Mr. & Ms. English pageant; next week is the final run for the November school affair. Had my breakfast of two small buns, putoseko which I bought at Calamba after the RELCAAP Seminar Workshop. I had to adimt I didn't feel full after a mug of coffee. I knew the culprit - stress. I resigned to the reality.

As I was approaching the commanding landscape, I felt memories flash back 27 years ago. Expansion work is going on, I missed the front entrance. I took the right side path, then I passed the Outpatient Department. It was there where I had my prenatal check ups. As a Makati resident with Mayor Yabut as the incumbent top official, we availed free hospital service. Finally, I found the back entrance. Then I was at the lobby and I saw the elevators. Where could OB-Gyne be now? I was rushing to be with my son, but at the same time I was walking the memory lane when I gave birth to the same child I am coming for to this hospital. 27 years! How time flies so fast. I reached the fifth floor. Coming out of the elevator, I wondered how my son is. I inquired at the nurses station. Finally at last, I'm at the door, soft knocks on the door, the door opens...

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